Established on 21st January, 1942, H.D. Jain
College, Ara was the first institution of higher learning ever set up in the
economically and academically backward region of Shahabad in fact, the first
college between Patna and Varansi. 'It owes its foundation to the Late Babu Har
Prasad Das Jain, a rich landlord and philanthropist of the town. He himself had
little formal education but was a great lover of learning and firmly believed
that progress and learning walked arm in arm. He executed a trust deed and
donated all his property to charities in 1918.He founded Sri Adinath Trust and
set apart sixty thousand rupees for setting up a college at Ara in 1919.
Needless to say he was inspired to do so owing to his
indomitable love of learning and innate philanthropy. He had the support and co
operation of his close friends Sri Suparshwadas Gupta, an educationist and
retired magistrate, Sri Chakreshwar Kumar Jain, Sri Nirmal Kumar Jain and Babu
Awadh Bihari Sharan, a legal luminary of the town.
Unfortunately Babu Harprasad Das Jain passed away
untimely in 1920 and the college somehow or the other didn't see the light of
the day till 194 1. However, it was founded on the auspicious day of Vasant
Panchami (21" January) in 1942. SriAdinath Trust generously donated Rs. 1,55000
for its functioning and management. The college was named after Babu Harprasad
Das Jain as a grateful tribute to the blessed soul. Within a few years of its
inception the college made great strides; its fame spread far and wide and
students from almost all parts of Bihar and the neighbouring state of UP started
pouring in. On account of its high standard of quality teaching and academic
pursuits it made a mark as one of the leading institutions of Bihar and won
recognition even on the national level. In deference to the request of the
college Governing Body the erstwhile ruler of Dumraon, Maharaja Bahadur Ram Ran
Vijay Prasad Sing , donated 21 bighas and 10 Katthas of land to this college in
the heart of the town. A small hostel was initially built on that piece of land,
and later on a large hostel was constructed there with the aid of the UGC.
The college was affiliated to Patna University,
then the only University in Bihar. Initially it was granted permission to impart
teaching in Arts and Commerce faculties upto graduation level. Teaching in
Science faculty was started in 1951. Recognizing the standard of its quality
teaching Patna University granted permission for teaching Honors Courses in
Hindi and Economics in 1945, and thereafter in Political Science in 1953.
In 1952 Patna University was converted into a teaching
cum-residential university and Bihar University was set up as teaching-cum
affiliating university. As a result, this college was shifted to Bihar
University as one of its affiliated units. The universities were further
reorganized in 1962 and this college was again shifted to Patna University but
only for a short while. As Magadh University came into being in 1962 itself, all
the colleges except those of Patna University under the jurisdiction of Patna
division were made its units. H.D.Jain College was made the first constituent
unit of Magadh University and was granted permission to impart teaching up to
Honors standard in all subjects of Arts, Science and Commerce streams.The
college established itself as one of the few leading colleges of Bihar on
account of its rich library, well managed reading room, well equipped
laboratories, reputed teachers, inspiring leadership, well regulated discipline
and enviable results. One cannot ignore the key role the College Governing Body
played in creating, promoting and maintaining a healthy academic atmosphere,
high standard of teaching and discipline. The succeeding G Bs worked devotedly
for the all round progress of the college. Setting aside the narrow
considerations of caste, creed, community, religion and region, they appointed
talented teachers of character solely on merit. The teachers too devoted
themselves to studies, teaching and research with zeal and passion and expanded
the dimensions of knowledge by their research works and scholarly writings. With
a view to facilitating research the college G B granted study leave to teachers,
sanctioned generous grants for the purchase of reference books and research
journals in the college library and extended financial aid to the teachers along
with study leave to participate in and present research papers at seminars and
conferences. Moreover, the college G B paid pay and perks to the teachers timely
at par with the teachers of Patna College and other government institutions.
Seminars, symposia and popular lectures were regularly organized for the benefit
of students and teachers. The college published its magazine regularly and
brought out the creative talent of its students, teachers and other members of
the staff.
Conceding the popular demand, Magadh University
administration opened P.G. Centers on its campus in 1972 73 and added new
feathers to its glory. Initially postgraduate teaching was started in Economics
and Political Science but in compliance with the popular demand permission was
granted to impart PG teaching in Hindi, Psychology and Chemistry in 1983 84. The
college continued its onward journey and got permission for PG teaching in all
the subjects of Arts, Science and Commerce streams. By the year 1986 87 H.D.
Jain College, elevated itself to become a PG College and got the recognition of
the U.G.C. also as a Post Graduate College. Responding favorably to the long
pending popular demand of the region, the Govt. of Bihar set up a University,
named after the great hero and martyr of the first war of independence of 1957,
Veer Kunwar Singh at Ara in 1992. H.D.Jain College is the nucleus of this
The college takes pride in the fact that a number of its
alumni and teachers rose high and occupied enviable positions in almost all
spheres of academic, administrative and public life. Even today the college is
striving hard to persist with excellence and reach greater heights. There is no
denying the fact that this college is no exception to the noticeable decline in
the academic atmosphere and deterioration in the teaching standard in the state.
However, the college has left no stone unturned to arrest the declining trend
and retain its glory. It doesn't wish to take pride in its past glory; it looks
forwards to the future and hopes to gain ground. We firmly believe in the hoary
wisdom of our sages.
Men, let
your hearts be One;
Let your minds be One;
Let your ends be One
So that you
could act in unison
And attain all your goals.